Tribalism Today

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      We come from tribes. Animals are genetically wired to be suspicious of new creatures, and there is strong evidence that we are, too. It’s a survival mechanism, the practical application of Darwinian evolution that we defend the tribe and live long enough to raise families.

      The modern world is divided between diverse cities and rural, typically agricultural areas. Urban tribalism has become subgroups living mostly in peace except for the poverty, gangs and racial segregation. Patriarchy dominated matriarchy when agriculture developed, and the religions changed from earth-based goddess-worship Paganism to multi-representational deities like Hinduism and Greco/Roman, to monotheistic, sky/invisible and prophet-based Judeo/Islam/Christianity, to the current rise of Pantheism. Most religions have expanded through war and domination of others, creating plenty of hate along the way which is residual and active today.

      Pantheism is defined on Google as “1. a doctrine that identifies God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of God.2.rare worship that admits or tolerates all gods.” Pantheism includes an atheist astrophysicist’s spiritual connection and every other religion. Some fundamentalists fear a loss of morality and call this Humanism as if it were threatening to wipe out its own. Pantheism includes tolerating fundamentalists. It is tolerant and therefore nonthreatening. This is a new concept, historically speaking.

      If you look at culture as an evolution unto its own, you can see how the non-tribal city life has encouraged tolerance of others; and agricultural, rural life clings to tribalism and protecting themselves from the threat of the other tribe wiping them out or denying their self-determination. The degree depends on an individual’s experience. Some people are simply suspicious of others and rely on the rumors they’ve heard or what they’ve seen on TV. Current global issues include the poverty experienced by rural communities and lack of infrastructure and jobs to support a transition to the future tech and Artificial Intelligence-driven economy. All of these things and more contribute to the bad “Isms”, and create more unhappiness and poverty in the world.

      We need to help the rural communities expand their tolerance of other groups/tribes while integrating them with the economy so they can have financially self-sustaining communities.

      More peace, less poverty.

      The way the system is set up, there is virtually nothing people can do anyway to influence the real world.



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