- Russiagate
- Russiagate: The Investigated
- The Russians
- Alexander Torshin– Taganskaya mafia’s “Godfather”, Close to Spetznaz,Deputy Governor of the Russian Central Bank , Butina’s boss, Night Wolves
- Maria Butina, Russian Spy, Cooperating Witness in Custody of the US Government
- Wikileaks
- Russian Mob
Part of the GRU Spetznaz special forces, the motorcycle gang functions as international undercover muscle for the Russian government.

On August 11, 2018, the anniversary of Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Trump hosted 180 bikers from across the country at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. Read on to discover how the Russian secret services agents and officials close to the Kremlin ran an operation to organize armed para-military biker club network throughout the US in 2012–2016, approached Trump personally, invested millions of dollars into Trump-brand luxury property, curtailed the operation due to the public scandal and how a non-biker with family and career connections to the top US politicians lobbying for the Russian oligarchs is currently continuing to mobilize and politicize existing biker base in the US.
This article covers the following facts and events:
- The Kremlin uses Russian Orthodox bikers also known as “Putin’s bikers” as para-military pro-Putin forces domestically and internationally since at least 2012.
- The leader of this biker group is close to Putin and other government officials and has received grants, awards and honors from the Kremlin.
- He is also connected with former and functioning Russian military special forces officers, secret service agents and Russian government officials who own or owned Trump-branded luxury condominiums in Florida.
- These Russian state employees/Miami real estate investors teamed up with a Russian-American police officer and founded and ran a Russian-American biker club in Miami. The club bore a Russian special forces (KGB/FSB) name and logo, had a branch in Moscow and communicated with “Putin bikers” and their leader. Their members had a right to carry firearms.
- The Russian-American biker club founders were/are connected to the real estate agents working for Trump and his family in the US and Russia, participated in soft power projects run by the Russian Consulate in Washington D.C. in 2015 and 2016 and have a criminal record history in Russia and the US as well as ties with the FSB and FBI.
- In June 2017, the club was dissolved a few days before an expose in a US publication came out and caused a scandal in Russia and the US.
- In 2015, a former Washington D.C. employee with the experience of working for the election campaigns of a former Vice President, Secretary of State and a presidential candidate whose family members lobbied for Putin’s ally, and related to a prominent long-time Evangelical Christian active in the coalition that ushered Trump to power, registered a biker group as a Delaware limited liability company with undisclosed members. The group has an agenda that directly mirrors that of Putin’s bikers club and appeared at events sponsored by Putin’s supporters.
- In August 2018, this club announced that its members were to “step up rallies across America in time for midterm elections” and currently they are promoting a strong pro-Trump and anti-Democrat campaign for midterm and the 2020 elections, pushed by the Russian bots on the social media.